Return of the Monkey: Preparation for Ramadan (Part 1)

Okay, so the monkey has been out of action for a long time. I have to admit that I have been slacking in terms of fitness and health this past couple of months, and I paid the price.

My weight has skyrocketed back up to 85kg in early June. I wish I could say they were muscle mass, but the fact is that they're not. They are mostly bad fats.

[The Gym Monkey on bad diet]

There are several reason for this; my sister's wedding & Virgil's wedding especially, in which case I ate a lot.... and i mean A LOT!!! So do I blame my sisters? NO!!! I blame myself for not controlling my meals.

[With Sam@Hariz when I was hosting my sister's wedding]

[In Sabah with Riduan and Virgillia's Cocos style wedding. I actually dropped 4kg in 5 days prior to the wedding]

Last month (June), I got myself back to the gym. I was definitely not at 100% but it didn't take me long to get back into the gym mood. (Now I just have to work harder to get that awesome monkey who worked out twice a day to return).

It's a good time for the monkey to come back, just before Ramadan.

I've had questions posed by my friends about what they can eat, when to workout, not having time to workout, and much more. Part 2 of this will be up by week's end to try and answer these questions.

I'll also give an insight about what I'll be eating during the Holy month and what workouts I will be doing. (Note: I won't be going to the gym until after Eid).

Next: Return of the Monkey: Preparation for Ramadan (Part 2) - The Diet

[Let's bring back the Gym Monkey of old..... ONLY BETTER!!!]


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